Thursday, February 19, 2015

What Does it Feel Like to Have Crohn's Disease

What Does it Feel Like to Have Crohn's Disease? I have been asked this question a number of times before and I have never really had a good answer or explanation. This morning I ran across the article, But You Don't Look Sick? The Spoon Theory, written by a Christine Miserandino who has Lupus. She wrote this article when she was in college while discussing with a friend what it felt like to have Lupus. This Spoon Theory can be used to describe what it feels like to have a chronic illness. There have been a number of Crohn's Disease Patients that have used this Spoon Theory to describe what it is like to have Crohn's.

This article is a rather long one, but it is well worth the read. There are some days that I have more energy than others, but I am beyond thankful that I don't have to rely solely on my own strength. The Lord has been so good to me in providing me the strength to push through those days when I feel my weakest. One of the hardest things since I have been diagnosed for me to do has been to recognize my limits. There are days that recognizing these limits is hard but it has gotten a little bit easier.

The idea behind the Spoon Theory is that someone with a chronic illness starts with a certain number of spoons each day. Everytime that one does something that requires a decent amount of energy you have to give up a spoon. Each day I have to consciously think about the choices I make in regards to what I do and the activities that I participate in. If I want to go out to eat with friends one night I might have to give up running errands that day. Having to choose to stay home or not get things done that I want to get done is something I am still getting used to and isn't always the most fun. Just like the author of the article points out, I have learned to keep an extra spoon in reserve in case I need it because I started off with fewer than a typical day, I woke up feeling bad, or  I need to get more accomplished that day.

I am so thankful for the family and friends that make up my support system. They have been understanding and supportive when I just don't feel up to going out to eat or going to an event. I hate to miss out on things, but I have learned that I can't help this. I have to be mindful of what my body can handle. Christine Miserandino does a wonderful job of describing what it feels like to live with a chronic illness.
Christine Miserandino
Christine Miserandino

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