Monday, March 10, 2014

Too Long Without a Post

It has been way too long since I last posted. Mainly because school got crazy and I also had other activities that kept me occupied and busy. School has been great and I have been feeling relatively well since I last posted. I'm very thankful The Lord has provided doctors and modern medication to make loving with Crohn's manageable. I rely on His strength alone every single day and He is always faithful to provide me the energy to get through the day and complete the tasks I need. This semester has been one of my best semesters since being diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. Instead of worrying and stressing about things like I have in the past semesters I have tried to give it all to The Lord and allow Him to take care of things. He is always willing, able and wants to do this; we just have to realize and relinquish control to Him. The less stress the better and I have realized how much of an impact this really has. I knew Crohn's can flare with stress but I never realized how much stress impacted my Crohn's until I really made an effort to decrease this stress. I still have not so wonderful days but my attitude and mindset have helped me a lot his semester.

This last week I had a wonderful opportunity: to take a cruise with a very prescious family. This is the first time I have really traveled far and out of the country since having Crohn's and I had a very pleasant experience. I was sent with extra meds and took precautions in order to ensure I was healthy for the trip and I was able to enjoy my vacation. I went with a family I babysit for and their three amazing kiddos. We cruised the Caribbean to Famouth, Jamaica; Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands; and Cozumel, Mexico.

Day 1: We left early to head to New Orleans to board our ship. We enjoyed and quick and easy boarding procedure. After being on board we had lunch and explored the ship. We had a quick chill session before our Munster drill, unpacking and our first dinner on board. The first night Hayley and I took the kiddos to try out the hot tub.
After passing through customs!

This silly girl was an AWESOME car rider!

She was ready to sun bathe

This silly boy was excited about unlimited ice cream all week

She was a wonderful dinner guest every night

Hot tub time!

Day 2: Was our first full day at sea and that night was formal night. We took the boys to Adventure Ocean and enjoyed some quiet time eating breakfast on the back of the boat. We also got lots of pool and sun time in the first day. The boys are with kids camp three of the seven nights so sometimes Abby Kate was the only kiddo at dinner. We started calling it fancy princess dinner and it stuck. Every night she enjoyed "princess dinner" and she was very well behaved in the dining room. By the end of the cruise everyone was referring to her as a princess. She loved the attention.
Little miss loved breakfast with Miss Hayley and Miss Lindsey

She loved some pool time!!

This is her idea of shopping. LOL

What we got to wake up and see every morning

She will always want some Minnie Mouse and Lemonade poolside

Miss Hayley made the best dessert EVER!

Time for "Princess Dinner"

This little girl LOVED the slide!

What babysitters let a two year old have ice cream at 10 PM?
Only the BEST babysitters ever!

Typical Jackson and Tyler

The most well behaved two year old at formal dinner

Day 3: This was our second full day at sea and we enjoyed more pool time and a nice long nap! After dinner we saw the broadway show in the theatre and they did a wonderful job!
One of my favorite pictures of this kid!

Such a cutie!

Enjoying some fun music at dinner

An iPad and iPhone?!? This two year old had it made. :)

Day 4: This day started early as we docked early in Jamaica. We enjoyed shopping and exploring; as well as, trying Jamaican patties. These were even a popular commodity among the crew members. :) While the kids napped Hayley and I enjoyed some bible study and chit chat in the hallway right outside our door so we wouldn't wake the kids. This night we just had Abby Kate at dinner. It was also Mardi Gras night so there was lots to do! At dinner this night our waiter picked up on that we loved some dessert and for two adults and a child we ended up with six desserts. We couldn't stop laughing but the even funnier thing is that we finished almost every single one of them.
Learning to make a basket

Trying fresh coconut water for the first time

A little musician 

They have a DQ in Jamaica but we only have ONE in Mobile. 
Thank goodness we are getting another one soon though!!

Day 5: This is the day we stopped in Grand Cayman. The water was absolutely gorgeous!! We had to tender to the dock because of the shallow water. After exploring a tad we found a coffee shop with free wifi. I don't know if I have ever appreciated free wifi and cell service so much. I was communicating just a little using the ships wifi during the week because it was so expensive so I was excited to get to text my friends and family more here. After a pick me up we headed to our shore excursion which was Stingray city and snorkeling. I was a little unsure about stingray city but really enjoyed snorkeling. It was amazing! Stingray city was different because they would brush up right against you and catch you by surprise. I did hold the stingray though and once I got used to it I was ok. Snorkeling was incredible though!! Afterwards we did a little shopping before getting back on the boat. We all ate dinner together that evening and enjoyed a little bit of Monster's University by the poolside.
Happy girls on the bus to the boat to snorkel and visit stingray city

Crystal Clear Water

Our waiter never skimped on the ice cream

Tendering to port

Exploring Grand Cayman

Two pirates and a princess

Day 6: Today is the day we stopped in Cozumel, Mexico. We went to a resort right next to the port where there was a pool and beach. This stop was absolutely beautiful and the weather was perfect for a majority of the day. After some nice sun, relaxing, and free wifi, we shopped around the area surrounding the port and the market in the port. The weather started to get nasty and a pretty bad storm came through while we were finishing our shopping. Once on the boat, we had our second formal night which included prime rib and lobster for dinner. Of course we ended up with more dessert than we ordered due to a fabulous waiter. After another great show from two comedians, we enjoyed the movie Frozen on the big screen in the theatre.

She loves some pictures

Formal Night number two aka FANCY Princess Dinner

Enjoying our multiple desserts... our waiter never failed us :)

Day 7: This was our last full day at sea and because we were heading back to New Orleans, the weather was getting a little cooler and not quite warm enough to lay out for too long. We went to the hot tub, played cards, played in the toy room with Abby Kate and just enjoyed our last day on board.
Princesses always need coffee with their dessert

Desserts galore

Our assistant waiter

Escargot: I tried it for the first time and LOVED it!

My nightly shrimp cocktail my waiter brought me every night
even without me ordering it.

Abby Kate was truly a princess, even our waiter kissed her hand

A wonderful head waiter

The INCREDIBLE waiter!!!

Day 8: We got up super early so that we could complete express check out off the boat. We were off the boat and in the car by 8 AM. We headed to Cafe Du Monde for breakfast and coffee before heading to Trader Joe's in Baton Rouge and eventually the trek home. Trader Joe's was great and I see several day trip this summer over there in the very near future!

Please ignore my sickly face... I wasn't feeling so well this morning

She is already a pro Trader Joe's shopping

I was beyond blessed to have such a wonderful opportunity and even more blessed to have the privilege to spend the week with such a wonderful family, their three kiddos, and another amazing a babysitter. These are just a few of the over 400 pictures we took over the course of the week! I'm looking forward to a relatively quiet week getting back into the school routine. I promise I'll try to blog again soon.

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