Friday, June 6, 2014

Sweet Summertime

Spring semester has ended and summer semester has begun...

Spring Semester ended and I headed up to surprise my mom early for my visit between semesters. I was so excited to surprise her and am shocked that I was able to pull it off! I pulled it off and came up a week earlier than she expected. We went to the farmer's market, a lacrosse game, and celebrated Mother's Day that weekend. Mother's Day we cooked brunch, went for a family bike ride, and then made an awesome dinner. I enjoyed being able to spend Mother's Day with my mom.

I spent three weeks at home with my family and was sad to leave them. While at home I started my summer class. This is the first summer class I have ever taken so this has been an adjustment. I am really enjoying the class in Child Life. The material is very interesting and practical. I fall more in love with the field of Child Life as I continue in this journey. The Lord has truly given me a heart for the field and a passion for work with children. I am excited to continue to learn as I go throughout the semester and take this step towards earning my certification.

I would be the one to climb on top of the train! :)

Loved exploring downtown with my cousin Anna!

What would I do without my sweet momma? So sad that I will be missing her birthday this week but can't wait to celebrate when I come up!

Being a little creative with my mom while I was up there. 

Before I left home I got to spend the weekend at our lake house in Kentucky. I LOVE it there!!! I can't wait to go back in just a few weeks. 

First of many jet ski rides this summer!

Love her!

The dog found a baby turtle and my mom saved him. :)

After returning to Mobile, things got very busy again. This summer is extremely busy, but busy in a good way. Between babysitting three very sweet kids, working in EDM lab, taking a class, being president of two organizations, and trying to have a social life, my calendar has very little white space. :)
These two gave me some of the biggest hugs when I went to the house to pick them up for Friday morning fun time! It made my heart so happy to get hugs from them. 

Tyler won by 2 points overall!

Abby Kate even got a strike.

This kid is always making me laugh!

Pit stop on the way home to Bass Pro Shop.

Macy's beautiful wedding!
These are the absolute greatest friends around.

Our apartment door needed a little boost too. :)

The Lord has blessed me with so many opportunities and I am thanking Him for them. I am excited to see what this summer holds in so many ways! 

Crohn's Update

Overall, I have been doing well with my Crohn's. I still have good days and bad days, but I enjoy the good days and take the bad ones with strides. A hard part of having Crohn's can be traveling. I have to be really careful of what I eat in the airports so that I can feel decent on my plane rides. Sitting for those extended periods of time can really take a toll on my arthritic hips, but I just make the best of it. 

After returning I got my infusion treatment and had a routine follow up with my gastroenterologist. Frankie and Jessica came to see me on their lunch break at the hospital during my infusion and rode to Pensacola with me for my doctor's appointment. The Lord has given me friends that are always going out of their way to make sure I am feeling ok or seeing how they can help. They keep me in line and are encouraging when I need a boost. I treasure their friendship and am blessed. I cannot imagine this journey without having their friendship. My family and friends been a constant support since Day 1 of this road. 

Crohn's is not always easy by any means, but the Lord gives me the strength to take one day at a time.   I don't take one thing for granted. I have the best support system around; as well as, a great medical team that treats me. 

"Hallelujah! Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His faithful love endures forever." Psalms 106:1